Sunday, May 8, 2011

I made some boobies.

Finally some progress! And some mishaps...

This is the left side of the dress. These two pieces are suppose to be sewn together...ooopps. However, this miscalculation actually turned into a good thing because I will need extra room to fit 2 more skirts under this layer anyways. So, hopefully I have enough fabric left to cut out another skirt panel...*Gulp*...

On a positive note, I have something to cover up the goods...::please God, no wardrobe malfunctions::

 Shoulders could help...But I would need some help entertaining my son....
-------"The Wiggles" have officially entered my life./facepalm------
The second I turned on the kid-crack show popularly known as "The Wiggles", my 20 month old son was hooked! For about 30 minutes he sat on the floor (with a diaper on his head, long story) and watched 5 grown men sing about the rainbow. Hey, at least they have a steady job in show business, right? 

Finally! Time to finish the shoulders! Or so I thought. I don't know if I was just tired, or if the background children's music was frying my brain cells, but I must have messed up sewing the lining to the bodice and shoulders like 5 times. Now that I think about it, it just seems like a cluster mess of thread and bleeding fingers. It really should not have been that difficult.

ALAS! The bodice, back, and shoulders are sewn and lined!...and my son has ripped apart a stack of playing cards and is trying to make the carpet polka dot with a bingo marker...oh God!

Alright, I got the baby cleaned and now is a lighter shade of blue. Time for a fitting!

This poor bodice has been through some abuse. Now all I have to do is take it apart and make the adjustments for a better fit...better hide the markers...

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